How to disable Apache mod_security for a website in ISPConfig 3.

If you use mod_security on your server you might encounter that a website script is not compatible with mod_security. To disable mod_security (v2) for a website, add the following code into the apache directives field: <IfModule mod_security2.c&gt SecRuleEngine Off </IfModule&gt For the older mod_security 1 version, use these configuration directives: <IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off </IfModule> ... Read more

How to delete saved passwords for network drives on Linux desktops

The majority of graphical environments let you choose to remember the passwords you enter somewhere to ease access to something but they usually don't tell you how to delete them again. Most Linux desktop distributions have a tool installed where all your saved passwords for network drives are stored in that is called Passwords and ... Read more

Where is the ISPConfig 3 configuration file?

ISPConfig 3 has two different configuration files, one for the server part and one for the interface. ISPConfig 3 Interface The config file location is: /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/ ISPConfig 3 Server The config file location is: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ The MySQL root password that is used to create new MySQL databases only is stored in the file: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf

Enable image caching in apache for better Google Page Speed results

High page speed and short page load times of your website are essential for good search engine rankings today. In this FAQ, I will show you how to enable caching of graphic and CSS files in apache on Ubuntu and Debian. The first step is to enable the expires module in apache: a2enmod headers expires ... Read more

How to Copy Files with SCP between Linux Servers

1.1 SCP Command Line-An Overview


The SCP command line is commonly used to copy files over SSH, and between popular Operating systems like Linux, Mac and Windows in a secure fashion. SCP is used to copy files to/from a remote server. It also allows you to copy files from one remote server to another remote server, without passing traffic through your PC.

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