How to access a name based website without a DNS record

Hosts file

The /etc/hosts file on a Linux system is a critical configuration file that maps hostnames to IP addresses. This file allows a user to manually associate specific IP addresses with domain names, effectively bypassing the DNS (Domain Name System) lookup process for these entries. The file typically contains lines of text where each line represents ... Read more

How to Resize a Linux VMWare disk

VMWare disk size

To enlarge a disk in a VMware Linux virtual machine, you'll need to follow a multi-step process. This involves both VMware-related operations and Linux command-line instructions to resize the partition and the filesystem. Here is the complete step-by-step guide: Step 1: Enlarge the Virtual Disk in VMware Shutdown the VM: Power off the virtual machine ... Read more

PHP-FPM: php_value vs. php_admin_value directives explained

php_value vs. php_admin_value

php_admin_value and php_value are directives used in PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) configuration, often seen in context with web server setups like Apache or Nginx. They are used to set values for PHP's configuration directives e.g. in a PHP-FPM pool file or in the Apache server configuration. This is an alternative to changing PHP settings in ... Read more

How to enable port 587 (submission) in postfix

Postfix Port 587

pSome internet access providers have port 25 disabled in their routers to prevent spam. If you run your own email server in a data center, you might have to enable the submission port (587) in postfix to be able to send emails from your local email client to your own mail server. Enable Submission Port ... Read more

How to set PassivePortRange and PassiveIP in pure-ftpd on Debian and Ubuntu Linux

If you run a firewall on your Linux server and want to use passive FTP connections, you have to define the passive port range in pure-ftpd and your firewall to ensure that the connections don't get blocked. The following example is for pure-ftpd on Debian or Ubuntu Linux and ISPConfig 3. Set Passive Port Range ... Read more