Fix “HTTP request length 134926 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen” error on Debian Linux

When you get a 500 error in a webpage hosted on Debian Linux (6.0) with apache webserver and fastcgi, take a look into the apache error.log file. This can either be the global error.log or the error.log of the website where you got the error. If you find a error similar to this one: [Fri Apr ... Read more

Redirect http requests to a new folder with apache rewrite rules

When you reorganize the structure of a website, you might want to redirect requests to files in a old folder to a new one without loosing the pagerank. In this example, I will redirect all requests from directory "olddir" to directory "newdir", so that requests like http://www.yourdomain.tld/olddir/page.htm get redirected to http://www.yourdomain.tld/newdir/page.htm without loosing the Google pagerank ... Read more

How to disable MySQL replication on master/master andmaster/slave setups

The following guide shows how to disable and remove mysql replication from two or more mysql servers. These steps can be used for master/slave and master/master mysql setups. The following SQL commands have to be be executed in phpmyadmin or with the mysql commandline program. It is just important that you are logged in as ... Read more

Setting up email routing to gmail / google apps via ISPConfig 3

The following guide describes the steps to add DNS records that route emails from a domain managed in ISPConfig 3 to google apps / gmail. The guide assumes that you have already setup the dns zone for your domain in ispconfig. Login to ISPConfig, click on the DNS module icon in the upper navigation bar, ... Read more

Install WICD network manager on Linux Ubuntu/Mint

It may occur that by default your computer won't connect to wireless networks after starting up the system. A way to solve this might be to install the WICD network manager which is available in the Ubuntu repositories. Just fire up Synaptic Package Manager and search for WICD. During installation, you will be asked to ... Read more