How to convert RPM software packages to Debian (.deb)

The world of Linux is diverse, Linux distributions using different package management systems. RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) and Debian's DEB are two of the most common package formats. Occasionally, users of Debian-based systems might need to install software that's only available in the RPM format. This guide covers converting RPM packages to DEB format, ... Read more

How to Exclude a User or Computer from Group Policy Object in Windows Server

Group Policy

When you apply a group policy on a container or OU, it applies to all users or computers in that container. However, you can exclude single or multiple users or containers from the policy applied. This tutorial shows you how to exclude a single user from a group policy object. Exclude a user from group ... Read more

How to Restart a Docker Container

To restart a Docker container, you can use the docker restart command. This command stops and then starts the specified container. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to restart a Docker container, along with command examples: List Running Docker Containers As the first step, you need to identify the container you want to restart. To ... Read more

How to Append Data to a Text File Using PowerShell

PowerShell Append Text To File

You can use the PowerShell add-content cmdlet to append data to a text file. Here is an example of how to use the add-content PowerShell cmdlet to append text to a file on Windows. We'll also explain the command-line options that you can use. Powershell add-content example Step 1. Open PowerShell with elevated privileges. Step 2. Execute ... Read more