How to renew the SSL certificate for dovecot on CentOS

Make a backup of the old key and certificate file mv /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem.old mv /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.key /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.key.old Create the new SSL certificate openssl genrsa -out /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.key 1024 openssl req -new -x509 -key /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem -days 730 Restart Dovecot: service dovecot restart

How to enable port 465 (smtps) in postfix mailserver

More and more internet access providers are closing port 25 to reduce spam except for connections to their own mail servers. If you run your own email server and have problems connecting to it on port 25, you can enable port 465 (SMTPS) in postfix as a workaround. Edit the /etc/postfix/ file: nano /etc/postfix/ and ... Read more

Change PostgreSQL Locale

wrote by Rafael Marangoni, from Suporte Linux team. This article explains how to change the default PostgreSQL Locale. Be careful, because we're considering that you do not have data on the PostgreSQL instance. First, we need to stop the Postgres service (if was not already stopped): service postgresql stop Then we need to remove all ... Read more

Configure PostgreSQL to accept connections from network

wrote by Rafael Marangoni, from Consultoria Linux team. By default, on some distros, PostgreSQL will only accept connections from localhost. When you have only access from localhost (from localhost Apache, by example) everything is ok, but when you need that postgresql accepts connections for other hosts, you need to make some configs. First of all, ... Read more

Get a list of all virtual hosts which are defined in all apache configuration files

Have you ever looked in the apache config files to see where a website's virtual host is defined? The apache2ctl script has a useful option that could come in good here. When you execute the command, it should look like this: apache2ctl -S You'll obtain a list of all virtual hosts and default servers in ... Read more

Reduce CPU and Disk load of backup scripts with nice and ionice

Reduce CPU and Disk Load on Linux

Running a nightly backup script on a server system, such as a web hosting server, can result in a heavy load and longer latency for other processes, for example, HTML or .php pages load slowly during the backup because the backup script requires too many I/O or CPU resources. On Linux systems, two shell utilities ... Read more