Enhanced e-mail SPAM protection in ISPConfig 3

The command below enables a stricter SPAM handling for postfix on ISPConfig 3 servers. In Detail: Reject sender hostnames with invalid syntax Reject sender hostnames that are no fully qualified domains (e.g. reject "server1" but allow server1.domain.tld) Reject sender domains that have no DNS records Check sender IP addresses against realtime blacklists. First make a ... Read more

How to disable spamfilter- and antivirus functions in ISPConfig 3

If you use a mailserver wil very low ram (< 500 MB) and a slow CPU then it might be nescessary to disable the spam- and antivirus filter functions in ISPConfig 3 as amavisd and clamav might be too heavy for your server hardware. The steps to disable clamav and amavisd are: Edit postfix main.cf ... Read more

How to solve the ClamAV error “This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated” on Debian 5.0 (Lenny)

As of today, all ClamAV 0.94 or older installs will stop working. The Debian project has not released updates for their current stable release (5.0) yet to solve this, but there is a workaround. The Debain volatile project provides newer clamav versions. The installation steps to install ClamAV 0.95.3 on Debian lenny are: 1) Add ... Read more

How to renew SSL certificates for courier pop3 and imap server on Debian or Ubuntu?

This articles describes the renewal of SSL certificates for courier pop3 and imap server. This is nescessary e.g. when the certificates are expired or contain the wrong hostname. First delete the exsiting certificates: rm -f /etc/courier/imapd.pem rm -f /etc/courier/pop3d.pem Then edit the template that contains the details for the ecrtificates so that the hostname in ... Read more