How to Make Case Sensitive Folder Names in Windows 10

Windows 10 has a very interesting feature which allows you to the make the folder case sensitive. Any files inside…

How to Disable the User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 10

User Account Control also known as UAC is an important component of the "Windows security system". This helps the applications…

How to Disable Autostart Programs in Windows 10

Microsoft Windows comes with some predefined programs that have ‘automatically start’ settings. There are also some custom software installations that…

Easy Tutorial for Removal of Lock Screen Images History in Windows 10

Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows OS series created by Microsoft. The tech giant did its best…

How to Disable the “Low Disk Space” Warning on Windows 10

Microsoft is extremely diligent when it comes to user experience in their products. But sometimes they tend to overdo. Whenever…

How to Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

We live in an era where technology is evolving and innovative solutions are being created to facilitate people by significantly…

How to change the default font in Windows 10

Want to change the default font in your Windows 10, but don't know how to go about it? There's nothing…

How to use file search in Windows 10

Where are my files on Windows? We all create and save files on our PCs and tend to forget either…

How to Disable Automatic Wi-Fi Connections in Windows 10

Whenever you connect your PC to a new Wi-Fi network, you enter the relevant credentials like a password. Once the…

Running low on hard drive space? Shrink up your Windows 10 footprint

With every passing day, drives keep getting bigger and the prices also keep coming down for storage space.  Yet every…



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