PHP-FPM: php_value vs. php_admin_value directives explained

php_admin_value and php_value are directives used in PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) configuration, often seen in context with web server setups…

Postfix Submission vs. Submissions (SMTPS) port

In Postfix configuration, particularly on Debian and Ubuntu systems, you might come across terms like "submission" and "submissions" when looking…

Upload and Download files on Linux Shell using FTP command

Linux offers a powerful tool for file transfer on the shell: the FTP command. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a…

Get File ACL details using PowerShell

The Get-Acl cmdlet in PowerShell is used for retrieving the Access Control List (ACL) of a file system object, such…

The New-Item Cmdlet in PowerShell explained with examples

The New-Item cmdlet in PowerShell is used to create new items such as files, directories, registry keys, and more within…

Understanding the Set-Acl Cmdlet in PowerShell

PowerShell is the perfect tool for system administrators to automate tasks on Windows. One of its key features is the…

How to Create A Directory in Bash if it does not exists

You can use the following script to create a directory like /home/user in a Bash script only if it does…

3 Ways to Access Linux ENV Variables from PHP

Accessing environment variables in PHP on a Linux system can be done in several ways, depending on your specific requirements…

How to Indent Lines in a File using PHP

Indenting lines in a file using PHP code is quite easy. The steps are: Open the file and read its…

How to check in a Bash script, if a file is empty

To check if a file is empty in a Bash script, you can use the "-s" test, which returns true…



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