
Windows Screen Recording

Most people know about the importance of taking screenshots, which are, in fact, images of the current screen. Similarly, there…

Find and Open Files using Windows Command Prompt

Finding and opening files via Windows Explorer is easy, but it takes a bit longer. There is a faster way…

How to change the default font in Windows 10

Want to change the default font in your Windows 10, but don't know how to go about it? There's nothing…

How to Transfer a Windows Media Player Playlist to a Different Computer

Many people these days are quite fond of listening to music and they create several playlists based on their tastes…

PrtScr key on a Mac keyboard on a Windows computer

PrtScr is the key that is used on Windows keyboard to make screenshots - this key however is specific to…

8 Ways to Open the Command Prompt in Windows 10 and Windows 11

The Command Prompt is an extremely useful tool for the Windows operating system. Microsoft has kept this command line interpreter application…

“No space left on device” error on empty drives

When you try to copy files from your hard drive to an external device such as an external hard drive…

How to Call Functions in Powershell (Windows)

Functions in Powershell are called without any comma or parenthesis, although they are defined using them. The correct way to…

Create a Self-signed SSL Certificate on Windows

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is used for encryption and decryption, processing of S/MIME signed or encrypted mails, generation of certificates,…

Switch between English and German keyboard layouts on German keyboards (Windows)

German keyboards are usually QWERTZ keyboards, named after the first row of letters to the first, which differs from the…



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