
PHP-FPM: php_value vs. php_admin_value directives explained

php_admin_value and php_value are directives used in PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) configuration, often seen in context with web server setups…

[SOLVED] nginx server error: 413 Request Entity Too Large

The Nginx web server has a max. body size limit of 1 MB for requests as default. This might be…

Get a list of all virtual hosts which are defined in all apache configuration files

Have you ever looked in the apache config files to see where a website's virtual host is defined? The apache2ctl…

Enable SSL for the ISPConfig 3 Controlpanel Login

Hint: The procedure that is described below is for ISPConfig versions < 3.0.3. For newer ispconfig versions, use the builtin ssl…

How to redirect an HTTP connection to HTTPS in Apache webserver

HTTP connections can be redirected to HTTPS using the apache mod_rewrite module. Mod_rewrite should be available in every apache installation.…

Redirect a subdomain in Apache and keep the URL in the address bar

This tutorial shows you how to use redirect rules in the Apache web server. If you want to redirect a…

How to access a name based website without a DNS record

If you want to access a name-based website that you created e.g. in ISPConfig before the DNS records are set…

Redirect domains without www (e.g. domain.com) to www.domain.com with apache rewrite rules

If all your visitors shall access your website with a URL like www.domain.com and not without www, use the following…

Webalizer error opening the file /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat on Debian Linux

The Webalizer package in Debian 6 has currently small bug as the required package for the  GeoIP database is not…

How to disable Apache mod_security for a website in ISPConfig 3.

If you use mod_security on your server you might encounter that a website script is not compatible with mod_security. To…



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