Automated Windows 7 Installation with an Autounattend.xml File

There is a possibility to create a Windows 7 installation DVD that runs fully automated without any user interaction -…

Manually Slipstream SP1 Into Windows 7 Installer DVD

There are more than one way to slipstream (include) Service Pack 1 into your Windows 7 installation disk - this…

Windows Automated Installation Kit Error: 0xc1420117 on dism Command

Error: 0xc1420117 The directory could not be completely unmounted. This is usually due to applications that still have files opened…

Mac OS X-like Dock for Windows 7

The Dock, main navigation element in Apple's Mac OS X, is a powerful tool to quickly access your most important…

Import SSL Certificates in Thunderbird

SSL certificates are used to sign and encrypt/decrypt mails in thunderbird via S/MIME. If you have got a certificate that…

Create a Self-signed SSL Certificate on Windows

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is used for encryption and decryption, processing of S/MIME signed or encrypted mails, generation of certificates,…

[SOLVED] nginx server error: 413 Request Entity Too Large

The Nginx web server has a max. body size limit of 1 MB for requests as default. This might be…

Enhanced e-mail SPAM protection in ISPConfig 3

The command below enables a stricter SPAM handling for postfix on ISPConfig 3 servers. In Detail: Reject sender hostnames with…

How to Call Functions in Powershell (Windows)

Functions in Powershell are called without any comma or parenthesis, although they are defined using them. The correct way to…

Timed Shutdown on Windows

You can time shutdown on your computer easily by creating a short VBScript that contains either only the shutdown command…



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